
Ready made companies in Hungary

How to Buy a Shelf Company in HungaryHungary is located in the center of Europe and occupies a small area, but the population density is actively growing. In this regard, advances in the economic development of the country have been observed in recent years. The local legislation has undergone many positive and fundamental changes, and much attention was paid to investor activity. Therefore, the number of those wishing to buy ready-made companies in Hungary has increased dramatically since the local jurisdiction offers favorable conditions for investing money today.‍



Choosing a company in Hungary

You need to find a company to buy and negotiate the terms of the deal. This can be done independently or with our assistance. We have clients and partners who are looking for buyers for their companies.


Company audit

The company should be checked for debts to government agencies, including tax, as well as the presence of receivables and payables, before purchase.


Preparation of the documents

It is necessary to prepare personal documents of the buyer, powers of attorney from the parties, re-registration forms.


Submission of documents for re-registration

The collected package of documents is submitted to the Register. After that, the documents are processed by the registrar and amendments in the company are entered into the Registry database.


Obtaining confirmation of company re-registration.

After making amendments to the company data in the Register, you can see its registration data in it and if necessary order paper versions of the statutory documents with or without certification. The specialists of our company will help you with all the necessary certification (notarization, apostille) and translations into other languages, if necessary.

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Buy ready made company in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, one of the leading financial centers of Asia and the world. In essence, it is an area of the People's Republic of China, but in fact, it can be called a separate state. Many issues in Hong Kong, from the mentality to the loyalty of the legal system, contribute to the development of international business, so it attracts businessmen from all over the world.This is largely determined by the special laws in force in this territory. Since Hong Kong was governed by Great Britain till 1997, the common law of England is applied here almost as native, and practically all commercial documents are in English. This is an additional advantage for entrepreneurs willing to buy shelf companies Hong Kong as they often have no language problems while doing business.

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Buy ready made company in Lithuania

Among all the countries located in the Baltic region, Lithuania is one of the best options for all businessmen willing to take their business to a new stage of development. Thanks to several governmental measures aimed at supporting business, this country has managed to reach a stable market economy relatively quickly. One of the key goals of the state is to attract foreign capital into the country. At the same time, much focus is given to the creation of jobs that attract mainly Lithuanian specialists.By contacting our agency, you will be able to quickly buy a shelf company in Lithuania, saving time and effort that are usually spent on the registration process. The most popular and commonly created business company in Lithuania is a closed joint-stock company. However, you can also buy ready-made company in Lithuania in other legal forms, such as a joint stock company, small company, and so on.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

In order to purchase a company in Hungary you will need notarized copies of the passports of the company's participants, powers of attorney from shareholders, and registration forms. All documents must be in hard copies.
Previously, you need to find the seller of the company on your own or through intermediaries. In order to re-register the company in Hungary, you must visit Hungary or issue a power of attorney for an official local representative. The most commonly used option is to purchase through a representative, as it is more convenient, faster and cheaper.
When buying a company in Hungary, taxes are not levied. Taxes must be paid upon receipt of dividends, on the profits of the company. In this case, the company can use the preferential tax regime.
You can buy a company in Hungary remotely by power of attorney or when visiting Hungary.


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