
Cryptocurrency exchange license

The incluence company provides the following types of services in such areas as international tax planning, asset protection, registration of foreign companies and their maintenance, etc.

Successful cases
to resolve problems with banks, stock exchanges and tax authorities


and banking


Returned to customers or saved
with our help


Payment systems
and international transaction business



Company registration

It is necessary to register a local company, for which a license will subsequently be issued. You should select the name of the company, indicate the participants and provide their documents in order to register a company.


Account opening

The company needs to open a bank account in order to deposit the share capital. Opening an account is a complex process that should be entrusted to professionals. In order to open an account, you should to collect a package of documents and competently conduct further negotiations.


Contribution of authorized capital

The exact amount of authorized capital depends on the type of the license. The beneficiary must provide documents on the source of origin of funds contributed as authorized capital upon bank's request.


Hiring required employees

The company must have key positions employees, some of them must be local. We will help with the search and selection of employees.


Office rent

One of the mandatory requirements is office rent. We will select a budget option that meets the requirements.


Preparation of documents for applying for a license

It is necessary to prepare a business plan, and policies. In addition, application forms must be filled out. The client will only need to provide a basic information, on the basis of which we will prepare documents, taking into account local legislation.


Filing an application

It is necessary to submit an application to the regulator after preparing the company and documents. After submitting an application, you must be ready to answer additional questions from the regulator. We will take care of timely and competent answers.


Obtaining a license

The company receives a license after successfully passing the previous stages. At the same time, it must begin work within six months from the date of receipt of the license. Otherwise, the license may be cancelled.

All ‍jurisdictions

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Cryptocurrency exchange license in Estonia

Many companies whose activities imply working with crypto wallets and cryptocurrency exchanges give preference to Estonia for licensing. In this small country, you can profitably launch a cryptocurrency exchange, in particular, due to the minimum rate of corporate income tax — 0%.

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Cryptocurrency exchange license in Switzerland

Switzerland is not only one of the world's financial centers but also a pioneer in the development of the crypto business. Back in 2014, the Confederation fixed the legal status of non-fiat currencies. The legal recognition of crypto assets launched the active development of the financial market trading in digital currencies.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

In order to obtain a license for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to select the country of registration and obtaining a license, prepare an AML policy, business plan and other documents, hire the necessary key persons (director, AML officer, etc.). If you have all the documents, you need to correctly submit an application to the regulator. After submitting the application, you need to promptly and correctly answer additional questions. The process of obtaining a license is better to entrust to professionals.
We assist with obtaining crypto licenses all over the world. We help to choose the country of registration according to the regions of future activity, the wishes of customers, types of services, etc. Among the countries for obtaining a license are Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Singapore, the USA and others.
The crypto license is needed to provide services for the exchange of fiat currency for cryptocurrency, one cryptocurrency for another, cryptocurrency for fiat, as well as opening crypto wallets.
In order to obtain a license for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, you must provide: the company's statutory documents, copies of passports and resumes of its participants, business plan, AML policy and other documents. The exact list of documents, depending on the characteristics of future activities, you can find out from the specialists of our company.


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